lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Canada Agriculture and Food Museum unveils biodigester

Biodigester and Bladder 

By: SWR Staff  (2014-04-29)

The Canada Agriculture and Food Museum (CAFM) has unveiled a new biodigester that can demonstrate to visitors how animal waste can be processed to produce energy.

The biodigester, provided by the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC), was designed and manufactured by a team of energy and bioprocessing specialists at SRC.

"SRC is incredibly pleased to provide this innovative technology to CAFM," said Dr. Laurier Schramm, SRC president and CEO, in a statement. "This biodigester demonstrates our sustainability efforts, while at the same time strengthening SRC's position as a leading research and technology provider allied with visionary local, national and international collaborators."

Biodigesters convert organic material into a renewable energy called biogas, as well as produce valuable byproducts such as nutrient-rich fertilizers. The biogas produced from this unit is the equivalent of 23 litres of gasoline over a one week period.

"We're very thankful to SRC for providing us with this state-of-the-art piece of innovative equipment. It is a wonderful complement to CAFM's Energy Park, which is part of the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation's (CSTMC) Let's Talk Energy initiative, through which we are working to increase the energy literacy of Canadians. Here at CAFM, we are proud to showcase the various aspects of energy science and innovation in the agricultural sector," said Fernand Proulx, Acting President and CEO of the CSTMC.

About the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum (CAFM)
Located on a heritage site of the Central Experimental Farm, near the National Capital's downtown core, the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum offers its visitors the unique experience of a fully functioning farm in an urban setting. Part of the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation, the CAFM is mandated to preserve Canada'sagriculture and food heritage, and to share and promote scientifically accurate knowledge about the way agriculture is best practiced and food produced and consumed in Canada.

About the Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC)
SRC is one of Canada's leading providers of applied research, development and demonstration (RD&D) and technology commercialization. With more than 350 employees, $67 million in annual revenue and 67 years of RD&D experience, SRC provides services and products to its 1,800 clients around the world. For more information, visit SRC's website


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